PhD soil ecology of the hydrochar corona during remediation and restoration - US

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Revised:  March 11, 2016.

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PhD soil ecology of the hydrochar corona during remediation and restoration - US

PhD opportunity to investigate the soil ecology of the hydrochar corona during remediation and restoration
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
The restoration and remediation of landscapes degraded by pollutants can often be ameliorated using biochars. However, biochars are difficult to produce, distribute and manipulate due to their hydrophobic nature and ash like properties. In contrast, hydrochars formed using hydrothermal carbonization, are hydrophilic and easily emulsified. As part of a project between industrial, college and university partners, the University of Saskatchewan, Department of Soil Science, is recruiting a PhD student in soil microbiology, to work on an interdisciplinary team of engineers, geologists, chemists, toxicologists and ecologists to explore the use of hydrochar to remediate hydrocarbon polluted subsoils.
We hypothesize that the development of hydrocarbon degrading microbial communities on hydrochar is linked to the interaction of the hydrochar corona with clay (or the hydrochar/mineral complex). The PhD candidate in soil microbiology would investigate the microbial ecology of this hydrochar corona, focusing on how microbial ecosystems develop on the interface between organic carbon and minerals (with a focus on phosphorus bearing minerals). The successful candidates should have some experience in soil ecosystems, bioinformatics, ecological modelling, chemistry, and/or microbiology.
The Department of Soil Science is Canada’s premier soil science department with 13 faculty, over 70 graduate students and a thriving undergraduate program in renewable resource management and environmental soil science. The PhD candidate in soil microbiology would join an applied research laboratory group headed by Steven Siciliano, an NSERC/COOP Industrial Research Chair in In Situ Remediation and Risk Assessment. The successful candidate should expect to spend substantial time interacting with industrial partners, working at field locations with environmental engineering teams, as well as working at the Northern Alberta Institute of Applied Technology with chemical engineers and material scientists.
If interested, candidates can contact Steven Siciliano ( steven.siciliano [-at-] ) with a resume, a statement of interest, and a transcript. Exceptional master’s candidates will also be considered.
More information available at:
Posted: May 1, 2017.