Keyword - Fungi

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Identifying Aspergillus and other types of fungi associated with water damaged buildings are the scientists at EMSL Analytical, Inc.

WebWire Nov 11 2016 - 08:31

Alpha-Amylase is derived from plants, bacteria and fungi.

PR Urgent News Nov 11 2016 - 06:22

Traders who line both sides of the street, tending shops filled with fungi and fragrant bark, insist that they have no such ornaments for sale.

The Economist online Nov 11 2016 - 06:15

The nuclei of these cells contain the genetic material organized into chromosomes.

Medgadget Nov 11 2016 - 03:01

Good morning. Remembrance Day has begun wit the reserve being cloaked under a think blanket of frozen fog.

rspb.org.uk Nov 11 2016 - 01:57

If you're unfamiliar with fungi, what you should know is that it's a term used to describe sedentary organisms.

graphics-media.blogspot.com Nov 11 2016 - 01:43

In a surprise to a team of European scientists, a set of fungi from Antarctic that was sent to the I..

vishwagujarat.com Nov 11 2016 - 01:35

We know that legumes, nuts and seeds can be some of the healthiest superfoods around when consumed in moderation, and one of the better nuts for he

thescienceofeating.com Nov 10 2016 - 19:16

Fungi are master decayers of dead plant matter, including wood.

scienmag.com Nov 10 2016 - 14:37

Living organisms, from plants to fungi to animals, have a circadian rhythm – a 24 hour cycle of physiological events.

labroots.com Nov 10 2016 - 13:18

But there's been major strides in her lifetime.

Wmcactionnews5 Nov 10 2016 - 13:11

As the fungi devours and digests the wood, contented with its cozy home, it occasionally gets the urge to travel.

Frederick News-Post Nov 10 2016 - 12:42